Three experienced researcher positions

Application of artificial intelligence, including machine learning and convex and nonlinear heuristic optimization for a logistics system of delivery vehicles: traditional or electric vehicles routing, packets organization in delivery vehicles, choice of utilized delivery vehicles capacities and utilized personnel and coordination of different subsystems on the example of City of Zagreb, open positions for three experienced researchers and two researchers full time, and one project administrator half-time (project CegLog with company GDi, envisioned start 1 September 2020, employment duration somewhat less than 3 years for experienced researchers and administrator, and 1 year for researchers, contact e-mail); 

Interested candidates are invited to submit a cover letter, a detailed CV, and the contacts of up to three references by e-mail to Vinko Lesic (


CEGLog – Collaborative, Elastic and Green Logistics

The project is focused on developing different optimization modules for delivery routing, vehicle packing and capacity decision-making based on historical and real-time data. CEGLog aims to establish a cloud-based platform for last-mile logistics management based on mixture of various optimization approaches such as heuristic, evolutionary, complex networks and Markov processes, but also convex optimization and linear programming. The decisions are made in a modular and predictive way with future estimation of internal and external conditions acquired by applying machine learning and neural networks to historical data, which is accumulated by project partner (delivery company) over several years. Modular approach enables flexibility of the particular case, minimising the implementation time for the selected case studies while the predictive modules are coordinated to achieve additional and synergic cost savings, energy efficiency and greenhouse gasses reduction.

The project is carried out in close collaboration with industry partner GDi for industry focused business process software and data solutions with a wide range of related professional services, training and support in the area of Operations Support Systems (OSS), Decision Support Systems (DSS) and Cloud Computing and Geoinformation Systems (GIS) and a great focus on intelligent assets, operations, resources and smart data.



Experienced researchers

The gross salary (brutto) is in the Postdoc range of 170,000 HRK per year.


Offer requirements:
The ideal Experienced Researcher candidate should hold a PhD or several years of experience in electrical engineering or computer science with a specific focus on convex optimisation or machine learning and a special interest for the application context of smart city and logistics. Alternatively, the candidate could hold a PhD or several years of experience in mathematics or physics with an interest or references in machine learning and optimisation.

The candidate should have expertise in some of the topics listed below:

  • linear programming, quadratic programming, or explicit model predictive control
  • mathematical modelling 
  • data science, sampling, filtering
  • machine learning and neural networks
  • MATLAB/Simulink programming and simulation skills
  • Python programming skills
  • back-end programming skills, SQL queries, API creation
  • teamwork, social and mentoring skills (with references)
  • autonomy and self-drive (with references)



The gross salary (brutto) is in the range of 145,000 HRK per year. Possibility of scholarship and enrollment as a PhD candidate within doctoral study programme at University of Zagreb Faculty of electrical engineering and computing. PhD scholarship implies a Faculty grant of 60,000 HRK within 3 years and in return a requiremenet of 6 hours of teaching content per week.


The ideal Researcher candidate should hold few years of experience in electrical engineering or computer science with a specific focus on convex optimisation or machine learning and a special interest for the application context of smart city and logistics. Alternatively, the candidate could hold few years of experience in mathematics or physics with an interest or references in machine learning and optimisation.

The candidate should have expertise in some of the topics listed below:

  • model predictive control
  • mathematical modelling 
  • data science, sampling, filtering
  • machine learning and neural networks
  • MATLAB/Simulink programming and simulation skills
  • Python programming skills
  • back-end programming skills, SQL queries, API creation
  • teamwork and social skills (with references)
  • autonomy and self-drive (with references)



Project administrator (half-time)

The gross salary (brutto) is in the range of 140,000 HRK per year (for full time).


Offer requirements:
The ideal Administrator candidate should have a master’s degree or equivalent 5-year study diploma and few years of experience in technical management area. Alternatively, the candidate could hold degree and few years of experience in either technical or management area.

The candidate should have expertise in majority of the topics listed below:

  • project management
  • team management
  • EU funding grant proposals preparation
  • marketing and visibility affinity
  • expressed communication skills (with references)
  • teamwork and social skills (with references)
  • autonomy and self-drive (with references)
  • leadership skills (with references)